
The CMR Advisory Council is proud to present the CMR Bibliography. In line with our objective to contribute to the uniform interpretation of the CMR we wish to make the legal literature on CMR in the contracting states more accessible by compiling a bibliography of everything that has been written about the CMR.
Included in the bibliography are inter alia dissertations, monographies, commentaries, journal articles, case comments etc. Also included are publications on Transport law that deal with CMR but also with other conventions, provided that the discussion of CMR is substantial enough.
Furthermore, we have not made any restrictions as to the language of the publications to be included, although for publications in a different language than English we have added an office translation of the title.

Although the CMR Advisory Council has tried to be as comprehensive as possible in compiling the CMR Bibliography and despite the fact that it already contains 805 entries, we do realize that we may or even must have missed numerous publications that deserve to be included in the CMR bibliography as well. For this reason, we plan to publish an update on the CMR Bibliography each year in January that will add new publications from the past year as well as any additional publications from previous years that have been brought to our attention.

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation

    ACHARD, R.

    ACHARD, R., Transport en pontée, “Paramount Clause” et article 2 parag. 1 de la CMR- Obs. sous Cass. com. 16 février 1988 Aima ODEN [Carriage on deck, ‘Paramount Clause’ and Article 2 para. 1 of the CMR- Obs. about Cass. com. France 16 Deb. 1988], Droit maritime français, 41 (1989), 219

    ADAMUS, R.

    ADAMUS, R., Arbitration clause for an arbitral tribunal in Poland based on Art. 33 CMR Convention, Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne, 2019, nr 4, p. 9-21

    ADAMUS, R.

    ADAMUS, R., Konwencja CMR w orzecznictwie sądów polskich [CMR Convention in the jurisprudence of Polish courts], Glosa 2010, nr 2, p. 16-28


    ALESSANDRI, M., A general overview on the Italian case law regarding the application of the Convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR) , Transportrecht, 28 (2005), pp. 465-468.

    ALLARY, P.

    ALLARY, P., De verhaalbaarheid van fiscale heffingen (en boeten) op de wegvervoerder na het cassatiearrest van 30 mei 2002; de ‘Buchanan-doctrine’ bevestigd? [The recoverability of tax levies (and fines) from road hauliers following the cassation judgment of 30 May 2002; the ‘Buchanan doctrine’ confirmed?], Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht (TVR) (2004), pp. 235-242

    ALPA, G.

    ALPA, G., La responsabilità del vettore nel trasporto di cose su strada: problemi attuali e profili di una riforma [Carrier liability in road haulage: current problems and outlines of a reform], Giurisprudenza Italiana, 133 (1981), I, c. 1737.


    AMBROZUK, D., Zagadnienie tożsamości roszczeń w sprawach transportowych: (uwagi na tle wyroku TSUE z 19 grudnia 2013) [The question of identity of causes of action in transport law (notes on the background of the judgment of the ECJ of 19.12.2013)], Problemy Transportu i Logistyki, 2015, nr 30


    AMBROZUK, D., Charakter prawny aktów staranności odbiorcy w krajowym i międzynarodowym przewozie towarów [Legal nature of the consignee’s acts of diligence in domestic and international transport], Problemy Transportu i Logistyki, 2016, nr 4


    AMBROZUK, D., Charges refunded by the carrier responsible for damage to the consignment, European Journal of Service Management 2018, z. 4


    AMBROZUK, D., WESOLOWSKI, K., Stan techniczny środka transportowego jako przyczyna szkody transportowej [Technical condition of means of transport as the cause of transport damage], Problemy Transportu i Logistyki, 2017, nr 3

    ANFRAY, A.-I.

    ANFRAY, A.-I., Pluralité de transporteurs en régime CMR: Etude comparative sur un problème de qualité à défendre [Multiple carriers under CMR: A comparative study of a quality issue to be defended], Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 7 (2003), 733-759.


    ANGEL YAGÜEZ, R. DE, Interrupción y suspensión de la prescripción. Convenio de Ginebra sobre transportes por carretera [Interruption and suspension of the statute of limitations. Geneva Convention on road transport], La Ley (1987-4) 213


    Anon., Seminar 2001. Rechtsgrundlagen des Fracht-, Speditions- und Transportversicherungsgeschäftes – Risiken und Haftung aus dem Vertrag über grenzüberschreitenden Straßengütertransport. Wien, 26. – 29. November 2001. [Seminar 2001: Legal bases of the freight, forwarding and transport insurance business – risks and liability arising from the contract for cross-border road haulage. Vienna, 26 – 29 November 2001.],


    Anon., El transporte terrestre nacional e internacional [National and international land transport], Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial, IX, Ministerio de Justicia, Madrid 1997


    Anon., International Carriage of Goods , London, Lloyd’s of London Press , 1976.


    ANTAPASIS, M., CMR: Have we reached the end of the road? , European Journal of Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL) (2017) 1-2, pp. 49-55

    ARNADE, R.B.

    ARNADE, R.B., Der Frachtführerbegriff der CMR als Problem der internationalen Zuständigkeit [The carrier concept of the CMR as a problem of international jurisdiction], Transportrecht, 15 (1992), 341.


    AUCHTER, G., Quelques remarques sur l’uniformisation internationale du droit des transports [Some remarks about the international uniformity of transport law], Serck, M.-P. (ed.), Liber Amicorum Robert Wijffels, Antwerpen, 2001, pp. 1-25


    BÄCKDÉN, P., The Contract of Carriage – Multimodal Transport and Unimodal Regulation , Oslo, Nordisk institut for sjørett, 2017, 358 pp.


    BÄCKDÉN, P. , Applicability of the CMR to road transport under a multimodal contract of carriage and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, [2019] 5 Journal of Business Law 219

    BAHNSEN, K. U.

    BAHNSEN, K. U., Art. 2 CMR und die UND ADRIYATIK , Transportrecht, Vol. 35, No. 10, 2012, pp. 400-407.


    BANCZYK, P., Opóźnienie dostawy w międzynarodowym przewozie drogowym towarów na podstawie konwencji CMR [Delay in Delivery in International Carriage of Goods by Road Pursuant to the CMR Convention], Przegląd Prawa Handlowego 2019, nr 11


    BARIATTI, S., L’interpretazione delle convenzioni internazionali di diritto uniforme [The interpretation of international conventions of uniform law], Padoue, Ed. Cedam, 1986.


    BASEDOW, J., Uniform Interpretation of Uniform Private Law Conventions: On Treaty Law, Global Jurisprudence and Procedural Safeguards , New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, 2023, 56(1), 1-28.


    BASEDOW, J., Högsta Domstol: Divergierende Auslegung einheitsrechtlicher Konventionen (CMR) – ein Fall für das Kollisionsrecht?[Translation of Divergent interpretation of uniform conventions (CMR) – a case for conflict of laws? (About : Judgment of the Högsta Domstol (Sweden) of 14 June 2022)] , ZEuP 2023, 472


    BASEDOW, J., ‘International Transport Conventions and the European Union’, in: Magdalena Pfeiffer et al. (eds.), Liber Amicorum Monika Pauknerová, Wolters Kluwer, Praha 2021, p. 11–26.


    BASEDOW, J., ‘Internationale multimodale Gütertransporte. Rechtsvergleichung, Einheitsrecht, Kollisionrecht’, (International multimodal transport of Goods, Comparative law, Uniform Law Conflict of Laws}, Lagoni, R.and Paschke, M. (ed.), Seehandelsrecht und Seerecht (Liber Amicorum Rolf Herber), LIT, Hamburg, 1999, p. 15-55.


    BASEDOW, J., Die Unidroit-Prinzipien der Internationalen Handelsverträge und die Über-einkommen des einheitlichen Privatrechts – Eine theoretische Studie zur praktischen Anwendung des internationalen Transportrechts, besonders der CMR, in: Festschrift für Ulrich Drobnig zum siebzigsten Geburtstag[The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and the Conventions of Uniform Private Law – A Theoretical Study of the Practical Application of the International Transport Law, in Particular the CMR] , Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 1998, 19-38.


    BASEDOW, J., (dir.), Mûnchener Kommentar HGB, , Transportrecht, 1997, p.1177, n°6


    BASEDOW, J., [Limits of interpretation in international uniform law. Comments on the application of the CMR to swap body transports by OLG Hamburg 13.3.1993 TranspR 1994, 193]Auslegungsgrenzen im Internationalen Einheitsrecht. Bemerkungen zur Anwendung der CMR auf Wechselpritschentransporte durch OLG Hamburg 13.3.1993 TranspR 1994, 193 , Transportrecht, 17 (1994), 338


    BAUNACK, Die Haftung der Eisenbahn bei der Beförderung von Gütern im kombinierten Ladungsverkehr, zweiter Teil: Huckepack-Verkehr [The liability of the railway in the carriage of goods in combined traffic, part two: piggyback transport], Transportrecht, 1980, pp. 109


    BEIJN, Aansprakelijkheid tijdens stapelvervoer volgens artikel 2 CMR[Liability during stack transport according to Article 2 CMR] , 1998, Erasmus Universiteit


    BERGNER, M., Das Übereinkommen, über den internationalen Beförderungsvertrag in Strassengüterverkehr (CMR)[The Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)] , DDR Verkehr, 1974, 304


    BERLINGIERI , F., Time-barred actions , Lloyd´s of London, London 1993


    BERLINGIERI, F., Uniform interpretation of international conventions, Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (2004), 153-157.


    BERLINGIERI, F., Limitazione di responsabilità: quando è legittima? [Limitation of liability: when is it legitimate?] , Diritto Marittimo, 94 (1992), 67.


    BERLINGIERI, P., Article 29.1 CMR from an Italian perspective, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor HandelsRecht (NTHR), (2007) 1, pp. 16-18.


    BERLINGIERI,P., The scope of application of the CMR , Nederlands Tijdschrift voor HandelsRecht (NTHR), (2006) 2, pp. 40-44.


    BERNARDEAU, L., La force majeure et le transport routier en droit français[Force majeure and road transport under French law] , European Transport Law, 34 (1999), 589-596


    BERNARDEAU, L., La C.M.R. en tant que règle des transports intérieurs (à la suite de Cass. com. 1er, juillet 1997) , European Transport Law, 33 (1998), 785-795.

    BITTEL, T.

    BITTEL, T., Zastrzeżenie kary umownej z tytułu nieterminowego wykonania umowy drogowego przewozu rzeczy w świetle przepisów PrPrzew oraz Konwencji CMR [Reservation of a contractual penalty for delayed carriage of goods by road in light of Transport Law and CMR Convention], Studia Prawa Prywatnego, 2021, z. 2

    BLACH, A.

    BLACH, A., Umowa o samochodowy przewóz towarów w ujeciu nowego prawa przewozowego i konvwencji CMR [Contract for the carriage of goods by road under the new transport law and the CMR Convention] , Przeglad Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego, 40 (1987), 183.


    BLASCHE, G., Die Verjährung, die Kompensation und der böse CMR-Frachter [Statute of limitations, compensation and the nasty CMR carrier] , Verkehr, 1973, 683


    BLASCHE, G., Zum Haftungsumfang nach der CMR: Ein Fall aus der Praxis [The scope of liability under the CMR: a real-life case] , Verkehr, 1973, 1407

    BLOM, A.

    BLOM, A., The necessity of the operation of a “casualty” during the period of cargo insurance [Belgisch-Nederlands CMR-Seminar, 26 mei 2000], European Transport Law, 35 (2000-3), 375-379


    BOECKER, E., Lkw-Ladeverluste in Europa [Truck loading losses in Europe], Transportrecht, 25 (2002), 137-151

    BOGGIO, L.

    BOGGIO, L., La C.M.R. è imperativa, ma il vettore stradale internazionale non risponde [The C.M.R. is mandatory, but the international road carrier is not liable], Diritto Marittimo, 101 (1999), 833-856

    BOGGIO, L.

    BOGGIO, L., Il trasporto di merci su strada tra CMR e Convenzione di Roma (sulla legge applicabile alle obbligazioni contrattuali). [Note :] Corte d’Appello di Trieste 5 novembre 2001 (Autamarocchi S.P.A. v. Alpina Versicherung AG), [The carriage of goods by road between CMR and the Rome Convention (on the law applicable to contractual obligations). [Note :] Court of Appeal of Trieste 5 November 2001, Il Diritto Marittimo, 104 (2002), 978-983

    BOGGIO, L.

    BOGGIO, L., La C.M.R. in Cassazione: errare umanum est … , Diritto Marittimo, 102 (2000), 132-134.


    BOKAREVA, O., Uniformity of Transport Law through International Regimes, Diss. Lund, Elgar, Cheltenham, 2019, 317 pp.