Daniel Dabrowski

Dr. Daniel Dąbrowski

Daniel Dąbrowski graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin (2000). He received the degree of Doctor of Laws at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (2009) based on his doctoral dissertation entitled “Acquisition of own shares by a joint-stock company”.

Since 1.10.2001 he has worked at the University of Szczecin, initially as an assistant, then (since 2015) as an assistant professor.

In his research work he focuses on two main areas: company law and transport law. His most significant publication concerning the first area is a modified version of his doctoral thesis: Nabywanie akcji własnych przez spółkę akcyjną [Acquisition of own shares by a joint-stock company], Warsaw 2010. There are also over a dozen studies on this subject published as articles and chapters in collective works. The second area of research is covered, inter alia, by five monographs (as a co-author) and over 20 articles and chapters in collective works published in Polish and in English. He participated in many national and international conferences presenting papers in Polish and English.

Assistant professor – University of Szczecin, Poland
Website: https://wpia.usz.edu.pl/pracownicy/dr-daniel-dabrowski/