Council members

Marta Kotacz

Marta Katarzyna Kołacz

Secretary of the CMR-AC
The Nederlands

Cécile Legros

Cécile Legros

Vice-Chair of the CMR-AC

Frank Smeele

Frank Smeele

Chair of the CMR-AC
The Netherlands


Correspondents (GDPR procedure under way)

Akgül Tahir Turkey Akgül Law Firm Lawyer
Andrade Dias Mateus Portugal Andrade Dias & Associados - Sociedade de Advogados Lawyer
Banys Marius Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania Law firm COBALT Lawyer
Bokareva Olena Sweden Univ. Lund Assistant professor
Bonjour Gaëlle France IDIT Researcher – CMR IDIT website manager
Chilaeva Maya United Kingdom Commercial barrister Quadrant Chambers
Couturier Ludovic France IDIT Director
Graafl Gyöngyi Hungary Grafl Legal Sevices Lawyer
Gruber Alexandre France Lmt Avocats Lawyer
Ha Ngoc Julie France Univ. Rouen Normandie Assistant professor
Chilaeva Maya UK Quadrant Chambers Lawyer
Ingratoci Cinzia Italy Univ. Messina Professor
Jurkus Nerijus Lithuania Law firm COBALT Lawyer
Letacq Frédéric France IDIT Researcher
Marino Adele Italy Univ. Messina Associate Professor of Transport Law
Pellegrino Francesca Italy Univ. Messina Professor
Petrović Tomić Nataša Serbia Univ. Belgrade Professor
Selan Voglar Margita Slovenia Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d. Dir. Insurance
Šiuškaitė Vaida Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania Law firm COBALT Lawyer
Stevens Frank The Netherlands Univ. Erasmus Rotterdam Assistant professor


Publications of the members and correspondents in relation with the CMR

  • Work in progress


C. Legros | CMR, Compétence juridictionnelle & appel en garantie [CMR: jurisdiction and indemnity claims] (à propos de [on] : Cour d’appel, Paris, Pôle 5, chambre 16, 6 Feb. 2024, n° 23/07436 | European Transport law (ETL) | 2024 | vol. LIX n°3| pp. 347-354.| Ref. HAL: hal-04694011v1 |

C. Legros | CMR, La stipulation d’une clause attributive de juridiction au profit de la High Court de Londres n’est pas un usage du transport maritime de marchandises [The stipulation of a jurisdiction clause in favour of the High Court of London is not customary in the maritime carriage of goods] (à propos de [on] : Cass. com. (France), 13 Sept. 2023, no. 22-16.884 | Journal du droit international (Clunet)| 2024 | n° 1, Janvier-Février-Mars | comm. 3, p. 140-156. | HAL: hal-04694067v1.| 


D.A. Glass |  Review of Issues regarding the interpretation of CMR for CMR-AC | Transportrecht | 2023 | Part 1. (1), pp. 1-19. 2023. Part 2. Transportrecht 2023 (2), pp. 68-78 | 

C. Legros | La force du précédent en droit britannique ou les limites de l’interprétation uniforme des conventions internationales de droit matériel [The Force of Precedent in British Law or the Limits of Uniform Interpretation of International Conventions of Substantive Law ] (à propos de [on] : JTI POLSKA Sp. Z o.o. and others v Jakubowski and others [2023] UKSC 19) | Journal du droit international (Clunet) n°4 | 2023 | var.7 | pp. 1261-1274 | Réf. HAL: hal-04264929v1 |

F.G.M. Smeele | Gevolgschade, beredderingskosten en het CMR-verdrag [Consequential damage, mitigation costs and the CMR Convention] | Weg en Wagen (100) | 2023 | pp. 30-37 |


C. Legros | Creating a CMR Interpretative Committee: The CMR Advisory Council, in Transport Faced with the Challenges of Technological Development and Globalization (dir. A. Puetz et MV. Petit Lavall) | COLEX | 2022 | pp. 189-203 | Réf. HAL : hal-04047192v1

W. Verheyen & M.K. Kolacz | Enhancing safety in B2c delivery chains | (2022) |Transport Policy | p.12.


M.K. Kolacz  | Artykuł 20, 21, 22, 58, 59, 60 CISG   | in: Konrad Iwiński, Ingeborg Schwenzer (eds.) Konwencja Narodów Zjednoczonych o umowach międzynarodowej sprzedaży towarów (CISG). Komentarz [translation of the Schwenzer CISG commentary with adjustment to the Polish legal order] | C.H. Beck  | 2021 |


D. Dabrowski (co-authors: K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk, K. Garnowski)  Umowa przewozu osób i rzeczy w prawie polskim: stan obecny i kierunki zmian [The contract for carriage of passengers and goods in Polish law: current state and directions of change] Warszawa | 2020 |

D. Dabrowski (co-authors: K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk) | Prawo przewozowe. Komentarz [The Transport Law Act. Commentary] | Warszawa | 2020 | 

C. Legros | Le Commissionnaire de transport et ses Homologues européens : quel régime juridique applicable aux contrats internationaux ? [The freight forwarder and his European counterparts: what is the legal regime applicable to international contracts?] | Revue TRANSIDIT n°75/2020 | p.68

C. Legros & F. Letacq | Interpretation of the CMR by the judges. Country report: France | IDIT, | 2020 | 

A. PuetzLas limitaciones a la responsabilidad del transportista y su superación convencional en la Ley del Contrato de Transporte Terrestre de Mercancías [Limitations on the carrier’s liability and how they can be exceeded in the law on the carriage of goods by land] | RDM (ISSN: 0210-0797) | 317 | 2020 | pp.397-425.

N. Radionov & A. Padovan | Interpretation of the CMR by the judges. Country report: Croatia / Hrvatska | IDIT, | 2020 | 

N. Radionov | Suspension of the period of limitation under the CMR and silence of the carrier: new approach | European Transport | 1/2020 | pp.1-17 | 


D. Dabrowski, (co‑authors: K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk), Międzynarodowe konwencje przewozowe [International Transport Conventions], Szczecin 2019.

T. Eckardt | Art. 22-51 CMR | in: Commercial Law – Article-by-Article Commentary | Ed. Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, Verlag |C.H. Beck/Nomos/Hart Publishing | München/Baden-Baden/Oxford | 2019 | ISBN 978-3-8487-3315-6 |

C. Legros | Improving International Uniform Transport Law by Creating Interpretative Committees, in Maritime Research Handbook on Maritime Law and Regulation | Edward Elgar Publishing 2019 | p.12. | Réf. HAL: hal-02134267


A. Puetz | Rules on Jurisdiction and Recognition or Enforcement of Judgments in Specialised Conventions on Transport in the Aftermath of TNT: Dynamite or Light in the Dark? | The European Legal Forum | ISSN: 2192-7138) | 5-6/2018 | pp. 117-125 |


D. Dabrowski | Electronic transport documents in international law | (in:) The Law of New Technologies in the International Dimension | ed. by J. Osiejewicz | Regensburg | 2017 |

T. Eckardt | Article 29 CMR | Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht (TVR) | 2017 | pp.72-78 |

T. Eckardt | Article 17 CMR | In: TVR | 2017 pp.48-50 |

T. Eckardt | Article 17 CMR und Article 29 CMR | CMR 60 years – Time for retirement or future proof? | Dr. Wouter Verheyen (Ed.) | Paris Legal Publishers | 2017 | ISBN: 9789462511484 | pp.39-43 and 63-73 |

D.A. Glass (With A Messent) | 4th ed of Hill and Messent’s CMR: Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (5th edition due in 2023) | Informa Law | 2017 | 438pp

A. Gruber How Article 17.2 of the CMR is interpreted by the French courts | Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht | 2017-2 | p.47 |

M.K. Kolacz & G. Hopster | When Technology takes the Wheel Is the CMR ready to meet the demand for Autonomous Transportation? | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law | 2017 1/2 | pp.41-48 |

C. Legros | The CISG Advisory Council: A Model to Improve Uniform Application of the CMR? | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law, n°1/2-2017 | pp. 23-36 | DOI: | Réf. HAL: hal-01653963 |

F. Pellegrini | The interpretation of article 13 CMR: recent italian cases law | in Transportrecht | 2017 | pp.399-406 |

C. Polderman & W. Verheyen | CMR-rechtspraak en vervoerspraktijk: 2 verschillende werelden? [Jurisprudence CMR et pratique du transport : 2 mondes différents ?] | Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht / Revue de Droit Commercial Belge | 2017 | Vol. 2017 | iss. 6, 575 – 585 |

N. Radionov | Normative anomalies of the road carriers’ liability regime in Croatia and the SEE region | in: Thomas, D.R. and Lamont-Black, S. (eds): „Current Issues in Freight Forwarding: law and logistics“ | Lawtext Publishing Limited, Edinburgh, UK | 2017 |

W. Verheyen | CMR-rechtspraak en vervoerspraktijk: 2 verschillende werelden? | Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht / Revue de Droit Commercial Belge | 2017 | Vol. 2017 | iss. 6, 575 |

W. Verheyen | CMR 60 years. Time for retirement or future proof | Paris Legal Publishers | 2017 |

W. Verheyen | Is CMR fit as the applicable regime for B2c e-commerce deliveries? | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law | 2017 | Vol. 9; iss. 1, 31 |

W. Verheyen | The carrier as transport architect: liability for bad choices? | Transportrecht | 2017 |


D. Dabrowski |Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego Problemy [The multimodal carrier’s liability for non-localized loss] | Transportu i Logistyki | 2016 | nr 4 |

T. Eckardt | Art. 22-51 CMR | in: Commercial Law – Article-by-Article Commentary | Ed. Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, Verlag |C.H. Beck/Nomos/Hart Publishing | München/Baden-Baden/Oxford | 2019 | ISBN 978-3-8487-3315-6 |

C. Legros | Modalités de l’interprétation uniforme de la CMR: Quelles difficultés? Quels remèdes? [Modalities of the uniform interpretation of the CMR: What difficulties? What remedies?] | Uniform Law Review, Volume 21, Issue 4 | Dec. 2016 | pp. 427-431 | DOI: | Réf. HAL: hal-01653976 |

C. Legros | Les difficultés posées par les règles de compétence juridictionnelle et d’arbitrage de la CMR [Challenges posed by jurisdiction and arbitration rules in the CMR] | Uniform Law Review, Volume 21, Issue 4 |  Dec. 2016 | pp. 577-590 | DOI: | Réf. HAL: hal-02134015 | 

F.G.M. Smeele | De expediteur in Boek 8 BW [The freight forwarder in Book 8 Dutch Civil Code] | Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht (TVR), 2016 | pp. 106-115 |

N. Radionov | Limitation of liability right in road freight carriage in Croatia: an extinct institute | Uniform Law Review | Volume 21, Issue 4 | Dec. 2016 | p.457 |

J. Schelin | CMR Convention in a law and economics perspective | Uniform Law Review | Volume 21, Issue 4 | Dec. 2016 | p.434 |

W. Verheyen | National judges as gatekeepers to the CMR Convention | Uniform Law Review | Volume 21, Issue 4 | Dec. 2016 | p.441 |


D. Dabrowski (co-authors: K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk) | Konwencja o umowie międzynarodowego przewozu drogowego towarów (CMR). Komentarz [Convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR). Commentary] | Warszawa | 2015 |

M.K. Kolacz | Cargo bundling – contribution to the Sustainable Transportation | (2015) | Marius. Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law | vol. 459 | pp.263-291 |

C. Legros | Interpreting International Shipping Law with EU Soft Law Instruments | (2015) | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law | pp.32-38 |

F.G.M. Smeele | Harmonising the Fragmented Law of Transport Through Soft Law? | (2015) | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law | pp.62-66 |

F.G.M. Smeele | Legal Conceptualisations of the Freight Forwarder: Some comparative reflections on the disunified law of forwarding | Journal of International Maritime Law (JIML) | 2015 | pp.445-459 |

W. Verheyen | Forum clauses in carriage contracts after the Brussels I (bis) Regulation: procedural (un)certainty? | (2015) | The Journal of International Maritime Law | 21 (1) | pp.23-38 |

W. Verheyen | EEX(bis) and CMR: the return of parallel proceedings? | (2015) Europees Vervoerrecht | 50 (2) | pp.145-170 |



D.A. Glass (With A Messent), Freight Forwarding and Multimodal Transport Contracts | 2nd ed. Informa Law | 2012 | 487pp |


A. Puetz  | Transporte internacional de mercancías por carretera y sumisión a arbitraje: problemas en la aplicación del artículo 33 CMR [International carriage of goods by road and submission to arbitration: problems of application of Article 33 CMR]  | Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones  | ISSN: 1888-5373  | IV-3  | 2011 | pp. 869-884  |


T. Eckardt (Co-Autor)  | Multimodal Transport including Cross-Border Road Haulage – Will the CMR apply?  | European Journal of Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL) | 2010 | pp.153-162 |


F.G.M. Smeele | Rome I en vervoersovereenkomsten [Rome I and contracts of carriage], in: WPNR 2009/6824 | pp. 1015-1019 |

F.G.M. Smeele | Implicaties Rome-II voor het zee- en vervoerrecht [Implications of Rome-II for maritime and transport law] | in: F.G.M. Smeele (ed.) | Conflictenrecht in ontwikkeling | 2009 | pp 29-48 |


J. Schelin  | Methods of interpreting the CMR Convention, Transportrecht  | 25 (2002)  | pp.382-384 |


F.G.M. Smeele  | Dutch case law on Art. 29 CMR revisited  | ETL  | 36 (2001)  | pp.37-40 |


D.A. Glass (With P. Todd & M. Clarke) | Standard Form Contracts for the Carriage of Goods | Lloyd’s of London Press Ltd | 2000 |

D.A. Glass | Article 2 of the CMR Convention – A Reappraisal | 2000 | Journal of Business Law 562 | 25pp |

F.G.M. Smeele | Dutch case law on Art. 29 CMR | ETL 35 | (2000) pp.  329-341 |


B. Mercadal & F. Letacq | Application conventionnelle de la Convention de Genève (CMR) à un transport interne de marchandises par route [Conventional application of the Geneva Convention (CMR) to the internal carriage of goods by road] | Recueil Dalloz | (1998) | Jurisprudence | p.143 |

N. Radionov |Osnova I vrsta odgovornosti prijevoznika za štetu u cestovnom prijevozu stvari, Zbornik [Basis and type of carrier liability for damage in road haulage, Procedure review] |48 (1998) | 199-220 | pp. 327-355 |


F.G.M. Smeele | International carriage | in : M. Koppenol-Laforce et al. (eds.), | International contracts, Sweet & Maxwell | 1996, pp. 213-237 |


D.A. Glass | Is it possible to revise the CMR? (Art. 42-51) | in: IRU (ed), International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) | London | 1987 | 183 |


D.A. Glass | CMR: Putting Practice into Theory | LMCLQ | (1984) | 30 |


D.A. Glass | The Divided Heart of C.M.R. | ETL 14 | (1979) | pp.687 |

News and events

Meetings of the CMR Advisory Council

  • 12th Meeting: 2023 October 12 & 13 – Rouen – France: adoption of the by-laws and election of the board. Work on article 2.1.
  • 13th Meeting: 2024 January 19 (videoconference): Work on Article 1
  • 14th Meeting: 2024 April 8 (videoconference) : Stockholm conference – Opinion on Article 2.1.
  • 15th Meeting : 2024 June 28 (videoconference) : Stockholm conference 
  • 16th Meeting : 2024 August 30 (videoconference) : Discussion on the draft of the opinion on Art. 2.1. CMR
  • 17th Meeting : 2024 Sept. 18 in Stockholm : Work progress – Finalization of the opinion on Art. 2.1. CMR

Other events

  • 19 & 20 September 2024: International conference on the uniform interpretation of the CMR – Stockholm
    • Programme :
    • Power point presentations of the speakers (work in progress)