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    SHARIATMADARI, S. H., Die internationale Zuständigkeit bei Nichteinlassung des Beklagten zur Sache und die Einrede der Rechtshängigkeit bei negativer Feststellungsklage im Rahmen des Art. 31 CMR im Lichte der neueren Rechtsprechung des EuGH und des BGH [International jurisdiction in the absence of the defendant on the merits and the objection of lis pendens in an action for a negative declaration under Article 31 CMR in the light of recent case law of the ECJ and the Federal Court of Justice], Transportrecht, 29 (2006), pp. 105-109.

    SESTA, M.

    SESTA, M., Responsabilità del vettore terrestre: profili legislativi e dottrinali (1865 – 1882) [Land carrier liability: legislative and doctrinal profiles (1865 – 1882)], Diritto marittimo, 80 (1978), 41.


    SERIAUX, A., La notion de force majeure dans les transports internationaux: l’irrésistibilité, condition exclusive d’exonération? Note sous Ch. com. 27 janvier 1981 [The concept of force majeure in international transport: irresistibility, an exclusive condition for exemption? Note under Ch. com. January 27, 1981], Recueil Dalloz-Sirey, (1982), Jurisprudence, 110.

    SMEELE, F.G.M.

    SMEELE, F.G.M., De expediteur in Boek 8 BW [The freight forwarder in Book 8 Dutch Civil Code], Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht (TVR), 2016, pp. 106-115.


    SKRADDE, S., Schadenersatz im Transportrecht – Der ersatzfähige Schaden des Transportrechtes [Compensation in transportation law – The recoverable damages in transportation law ], Hamburg, Univ., THESIS Diss., 2016, Belin, LIT Verlag.

    SLIM H

    SLIM H, Transports internationaux : les lacunes de la CMR et les exigences de la justice matérielle : à propos de l’arrêt de la chambre commerciale du 24 mars 2004 [International transport: the shortcomings of the CMR and the requirements of substantive justice: with reference to the judgment of the Commercial Chamber of 24 March 2004], Rev. Lamy Droit civil, 2005, n° 13, n° 518 et n° 14, n° 576

    SLOTTE, M.

    SLOTTE, M., CMR. Uniformity or Divergence?, The Maritime Advocate, Issue 7, April 1999,

    SMEELE, F.G.M.

    SMEELE, F.G.M., Gevolgschade, beredderingskosten en het CMR-verdrag [Consequential damage, mitigation costs and the CMR Convention], Weg en Wagen (100), 2023, pp. 30-37.

    SMEELE, F.G.M.

    SMEELE, F.G.M., Harmonising the Fragmented Law of Transport Through Soft Law?, European Journal of Commercial Contract Law, 2015, pp.62-66.

    SMEELE, F.G.M.

    SMEELE, F.G.M., Legal Conceptualisations of the Freight Forwarder: Some comparative reflections on the disunified law of forwarding, Journal of International Maritime Law (JIML), 2015, pp.445-459