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    ROTH, W. – H.

    ROTH, W. – H., Zur Kontrolle allgemeiner Versicherungsbedingungen nach VVG und AGBG in der CMR-Haftpflichtversicherung [On the control of general insurance conditions according to the VVG and the AGBG in CMR liability insurance], Praxis des Internationalen Privat – und Verfahrensrechts IPRax, 6 (1986), 16

    RÜFNER, T.

    RÜFNER, T., Lis alibi pendens under the CMR – Merzario v. Leitner , Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, (2001), 460-465


    RUITINGA, P., Enkele kanttekeningen bij de artikelen 8 en 9 der CMR [Some comments on Articles 8 and 9 of the CMR], European Transport Law, 17 (1982), 223.


    RUITINGA, P., Onus of Proof and Liability – Some Notes as to Articles 8, 9 and 10 of the CMR Convention, in: IRU (ed), International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), London, 1987, 43


    RUITINGA, P. – HAAN, R.J. DE, Gabriële Wehr revisited (The results of indulging in fiction when dealing with statutes, conventions or legal precedents are not always fortunate). Some notes on article 2 CMR, European Transport Law, 36 (2001), 831-842


    ROSELLO, C., Tre questioni in tema di CMR: i presupposti di applicabilità della Convenzione; il regime dei trasporti misti o “sovrapposti”; la distribuzione dell’onere della prova relativa alla responsabilità del vettore [Three issues on the subject of CMR: the conditions of applicability of the Convention; the regime of mixed or ‘overlapping’ carriage; the distribution of the burden of proof concerning the carrier’s liability], Diritto Marittimo, 54 (2002), 568-577


    RICHTER-HANNES, D., Die CMR-Konvention über den Beforderungsvertrag im internationalen Strassengutervertrag und die Reformdiskussion [The CMR Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road and the discussion of its reform], DDR Verkehr, 19 (1986), 17.

    RISES, O.

    RISES, O., Une juridiction supra-nationale pour l’interprétation des lois uniformes [A supra-national jurisdiction for the interpretation of uniform laws], RIDC 1961, p.285 

    RODIERE, R. (with Mercadal, B)

    RODIERE, R. (with Mercadal, B), Droit des transports terrestres et aériens [Air and land transport] , 1990, Paris, Dalloz.


    RODIERE, R., Droit des transports terrestres et aériens [Air and land transport], 1977, Paris, Sirey, 942 pp.