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    PUTZEYS, J. (and Albert Coolen & Claire Bocken)

    PUTZEYS, J. (and Albert Coolen & Claire Bocken), Le contrat de transport routier de marchandises [Contract for the carriage of goods by road], Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1981

    PONET, F.

    PONET, F., Artikel 31.1 litt. b CMR: Grenzen aan het bevoegdheidsonderzoek door de nationale rechter? [Article 31.1 litt. b CMR: Limits to the national court’s jurisdiction review?], SERCK, M.-P. (Ed.), Liber Amicorum Robert Wijffels, Antwerpen, 2001, pp.278-280

    PONET, F.

    PONET, F., De overeenkomst van internationaal wegvervoer [The agreement of international road transport], Antwerpen, Kluwer, 2003

    PAULIN, Ch.

    PAULIN, Ch., Considérations sur la faute inexcusable [Considerations on inexcusable fault], Revue de droit des transports n° 4, Avril 2011, repère 4


    PANOPOULOS, G., La jurisprudence grecque en matière de Conventions internationales relatives aux transports terrestres et aériens [Greek case law on international conventions on land and air transport], Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 9 (2004), pp. 625-643


    PELLEGRINI, F., The interpretation of article 13 CMR: recent italian cases law , Transportrecht, 2017, pp.399-406


    PEREIRA MENAUT, J.M., Aspectos jurídico laborales del transporte de mercancías por carretera [Labour law aspects of road freight transport], in: Actualidad jurídica del transporte por carretera: in memoriam F.M. Sánchez Gamborino [Labour law aspects of road freight transport], Madrid: Fundación Francisco Corell, 2005, pp. 299-317


    PÉREZ MORIONES, A., La regulación de la prescripción de las acciones en el Convenio de Ginebra de 19 de mayo de 1956, relativo al contrato de transporte internacional de mercancías por carretera [The regulation of limitation periods in the Geneva Convention of 19 May 1956, relating to the contract for the international carriage of goods by road.], Revista de Derecho Patrimonial (1999) 203


    PERTIERRA RODRÍGUEZ, J.L., La unidad de mercado en el transporte de viajeros por carretera en España, in: Actualidad jurídica del transporte por carretera: in memoriam F.M. Sánchez Gamborino [Market unity in road passenger transport in Spain], Madrid: Fundación Francisco Corell, 2005, pp. 125-132

    PESCE, A.

    PESCE, A., Corte di Cassazione e leggi uniformi (C.M.R. e LUVI): un caso di disattenzione [Supreme Court and uniform laws (C.M.R. and LUVI): a case of inattention], Foro Padano, 37 (1982), 18.