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    PUTZEYS, J., Le droit superposé ou les paradoxes de l’article 2 C.M.R. [Overlapping law or the paradoxes of article 2 C.M.R.], European Transport Law, 25 (1990), 107

    PONET, F.

    PONET, F., Artikel 31.1 litt. b CMR: Grenzen aan het bevoegdheidsonderzoek door de nationale rechter? [Article 31.1 litt. b CMR: Limits to the national court’s jurisdiction review?], SERCK, M.-P. (Ed.), Liber Amicorum Robert Wijffels, Antwerpen, 2001, pp.278-280

    PONET, F.

    PONET, F., De overeenkomst van internationaal wegvervoer [The agreement of international road transport], Antwerpen, Kluwer, 2003


    POELMANS, A., Expeditie: naar bekende en minder bekende wegen vragen [Freight forwarding: Asking about known and lesser known roads], Kruithof, M. and Rogge, J. (eds.), Over verzekerings- en vervoerrecht te land ter zee en in de lucht, Liber Amicorum Kris bernauw, Larcier Intersentia, Antwerpen, 2024, p. 375-403.

    PIPER, H.

    PIPER, H., Einige ausgewählte Probleme des Schadensersatzrechts der CMR [Some selected problems of the law of damages of the CMR], Versicherungsrecht (VersR) 1988, 201

    PIPER, H.

    PIPER, H., Probleme der CMR unter Berücksichtigung der Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofes, insbesondere zur Ersatzverplichtung des CMR-Frachtführers [Problems of the CMR, taking into account the case law of the Federal Court of Justice, in particular the obligation of the CMR carrier to pay compensation] , Transportrecht, 13 (1990), 357

    PAULIN, Ch.

    PAULIN, Ch., Considérations sur la faute inexcusable [Considerations on inexcusable fault], Revue de droit des transports n° 4, Avril 2011, repère 4


    PANOPOULOS, G., La jurisprudence grecque en matière de Conventions internationales relatives aux transports terrestres et aériens [Greek case law on international conventions on land and air transport], Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 9 (2004), pp. 625-643


    PELLEGRINI, F., The interpretation of article 13 CMR: recent italian cases law , Transportrecht, 2017, pp.399-406


    PEREIRA MENAUT, J.M., Aspectos jurídico laborales del transporte de mercancías por carretera [Labour law aspects of road freight transport], in: Actualidad jurídica del transporte por carretera: in memoriam F.M. Sánchez Gamborino [Labour law aspects of road freight transport], Madrid: Fundación Francisco Corell, 2005, pp. 299-317