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Authors | Year | Citation |
HEUER, K., CMR und EuGVÜ: Nochmals zur Frage der internationalen Zuständigkeit (Art. 31 Abs. 1 CMR/Art. 20 EuGVÜ) und zur Einrede der Rechtshängigkeit bei negativer Feststellungsklage (Art. 31 Abs. 2 CMR/Art. 21 EuGVÜ) [CMR and Brussels Convention: Once again on the question of international jurisdiction (Art. 31, para. 1 CMR/Art. 20 Brussels Convention) and on the objection of lis pendens in the case of an action for a negative declaration (Art. 31, para. 2 CMR/Art. 21 Brussels Convention)], Transportrecht, 25 (2002), 221-225 |
HEUER, K., Haftungsbegrenzungen und ihre Durchbrechung nach den ADSp 2003 [Limitations of liability and their cancellation according to the ADSp 2003], Transportrecht, 2004, 114-119. |
HEUER, K., Zur außervertraglichen Haftung des Frachtführers (und seines Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherers) für Güterfolgeschäden. Anmerkung zu Thume, VersR 2002, 267 ff. [On the non-contractual liability of the carrier (and his motor vehicle liability insurer) for consequential damage to goods. Note on Thume, VersR 2002, 267 et seq.], Transportrecht, 25 (2002), 325-326 |
HILL MESSENT, CMR: Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods by Road. 4th edition (Messent A. with Glass D.A.) , London, Lloyd’s Shipping Law Library, 2000 |
HILL, D. J – MESSENT, A. D., |
HILL, D.J., Hill & Messent – CMR: Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods by Road , London, Lloyd’s of London Press, 2000. |
HILL, D. J – MESSENT, A. D., |
HILL MESSENT, CMR: Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods by Road. Second edition (Messent A. with Glass D.A.) , London, Lloyd’s of London Press, 1995, 350 |
HILL, D. J. |
HILL, D. J., Carriage of Goods by Road to the Continent , European Transport Law, 11 (1976), 182 |
HOEKS, M.A.I.H., Maritime Plus and the European Status Quo – The current framework of international transport law, ‘maritime plus’ and the EU , in: Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law (SIMPLY) 2010, p. 179-230. |
HOEKS, M.A.I.H., Vallend water en verdwenen vis – Hoe bevoegdheid de toekomst van het multimodaalvervoerrecht bepaalde [Falling water and disappearing fish – How competence determined the future of multimodal transport law], Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Handelsrecht (NTHR) 2012-5, p. 237-248. |
HOEKS, M.A.I.H., CMR OF EEX? Van Samenloop, litispendentie en het vrij verkeer van beslissingen in Europa, Hof van Justitie EU 4 mei 2010 zaak C-533/08 (TNT Express/Axa) [CMR or Brussels I? About concurrence, lis pendens and free exchange of judgments in Europe, ECJ 4 May 2010, Case C-533/08 (TNT Express/AXA)], Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR), 2012, p. 468-472. |