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    DONALD, A. E.

    DONALD, A. E., The CMR. The Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road, London, Derek Beattie Publishing, 1981.

    DONALD, A. E.

    DONALD, A. E., CMR – An Outline and its History – Goods to and from the continent, European Transport Law, 11 (1976), 166.

    DONALD, A.E.

    DONALD, A.E., CMR – an outline and its history, Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, 1 (1975), 420.

    DONATI, M.

    DONATI, M., Bilancio della politica tariffaria della CEE nel settore deIl’autotrasporto di cose [Assessment of the EEC’s tariff policy in the road haulage sector], Trasporti, 19/1979, 47


    DORRESTEIN, Th.H.J., Rechtsvinding in het internationale wegvervoerrecht [The legal regime for container transport: current state of play], Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB) 1979, p. 181-184.


    DORRESTEIN, Th.H.J., Recht van het internationale wegvervoer [The law of international road haulage], Tjeen Willink, Zwolle, 1977, 245


    DUCKWORTH, J., Kitchin’s Road Transport Law. 20th edition., London, 1979, 283


    DELEBECQUE, P., La loi applicable à l’action directe en paiement du transporteur routier de marchandises: lex contractus ou CMR? (note: Cass. Com., 24 mars 2004), La Semaine Juridique. Entreprise et affaires, 2004, 1102-1103

    DE MEIJ, P.

    DE MEIJ, P. , Samenloop van CMR-Verdrag en EEX-Verordening [Concurrence of the CMR Convention and the Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001], Diss. Groningen, Deventer, Kluwer, 2003

    DE MEIJ, P.

    DE MEIJ, P., De multimodale vervoerovereenkomst in het internationaal privaatrecht en de derde-landproblematie: een noot bij BGH 17 juli 2008, TranspR 2008, 65 [The multimodal transport contract in private international law and the third-country problem, a comment to BGH 17 July 2008, TranspR 2008, 365], Claringbould, M.H. et al. (eds.), Verbindend Recht, Liber Amicorum K.F. Haak, Deventer, Kluwer, 2012, p. 417-425.