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    DÍAZ MÉNDEZ, N., El transporte por carretera nacional en España: concepto, clases y jurisprudencia, in: Actualidad jurídica del transporte por carretera: in memoriam F.M. Sánchez Gamborino [National road transport in Spain: concept, types and jurisprudence], Madrid: Fundación Francisco Corell, 2005, pp. 227-237

    DIßARS, B.-A.

    DIßARS, B.-A., Das Verhältnis der Zuständigkeitsnormen der CMR zum EuGVÜ/LugÜ [The relationship between the rules of jurisdiction in the CMR and the Brussels/Lugano Convention], Transportrecht, 24 (2001), 387-393

    DJORIC, A.

    DJORIC, A., Le contrat de transport international terrestre des marchandises [The contract for the international carriage of goods by land], (Institut za Uporedno Pravo; Ambassade de France en Serbie et Montenegro), Beograd, Cigoja, 2005, pp. 250.

    DONALD, A. E.

    DONALD, A. E., The CMR. The Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road, London, Derek Beattie Publishing, 1981.

    DONALD, A. E.

    DONALD, A. E., CMR – An Outline and its History – Goods to and from the continent, European Transport Law, 11 (1976), 166.

    DONALD, A.E.

    DONALD, A.E., CMR – an outline and its history, Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, 1 (1975), 420.

    DONATI, M.

    DONATI, M., Bilancio della politica tariffaria della CEE nel settore deIl’autotrasporto di cose [Assessment of the EEC’s tariff policy in the road haulage sector], Trasporti, 19/1979, 47


    DORRESTEIN, Th.H.J., Rechtsvinding in het internationale wegvervoerrecht [The legal regime for container transport: current state of play], Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB) 1979, p. 181-184.


    DORRESTEIN, Th.H.J., Recht van het internationale wegvervoer [The law of international road haulage], Tjeen Willink, Zwolle, 1977, 245


    DUCKWORTH, J., Kitchin’s Road Transport Law. 20th edition., London, 1979, 283