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Authors | Year | Citation |
CLARINGBOULD, M.H., Comment to HR 14 June 1996, NJ, 1997, 703 [St. Clair] |
CLARINGBOULD, M., The Right of the Carrier by Road To Retain Goods, in: IRU (ed), International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), London, 1987, 210 |
CLARKE, M.A., Wilful misconduct under English law, Uniform Law Review 2016, p. 574-576 |
CLARKE, M.A., Case commentary Datec Electronic Holdings Ltd v United Parcels Service Ltd [2007] UKHL 23; [2007] 1 W.L.R. 1325 (HL) and British American Tobacco Switzerland SA v Exel Europe Ltd [2015] UKSC 65; [2016] A.C. 262 (SC), [2016] 8 Journal of Business Law 707 |
CLARKE, M.A., International Carriage of Goods by Road: CMR, 6th ed. , Informa Law, Routledge, 2014 |
CLARKE, M.A., Ch 17 (Road Carriage) part III (International Carriage, pp. 968-1029) , In :“Palmer on Bailment”, Palmer, N., 2009, 3rd ed, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2220pp. |
CLARKE, M.A., The Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road 1956: wilful misconduct again – and again”. Case Commentary on Datec Electronic Holdings Ltd v United Parcels Service Ltd [2007] UKHL 23; [2007] 1 W.L.R. 1325 (HL) and TNT Global SpA v Denfleet International Ltd [2007] EWCA Civ 405; [2008] 1 All E.R. (Comm) 97; [2007] 5 WLUK 25 (CA (Civ Div))., [2008] 2 Journal of Business Law 184. |
CALABRESI-SCHOLZ, S , CMR jurisdiction – jurisdiction for an action for negative declaratory relief – lis pendens – “enforceable” judgment, (2013) 4 European Legal Forum 113 |
CHAO, A. |
CHAO, A., Transport routier international. Absence de lettre de voiture et limitation de responsabilité [International road transport. Lack of consignment note and limitation of liability], Bulletin des transports, (1990), 783. |
CHAO, A. |
CHAO, A., Dol, fraude ou infidélité et faute lourde du voiturier. Incidences sur la responsabilité, la réparation due et la recevabilité de l’action [Deception, fraud or infidelity and gross negligence on the part of the valet. Implications for liability, compensation due and admissibility of the action], Bulletin des transports, (1990), 315. |