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Authors | Year | Citation |
CHAO, A., |
CHAO, A.,, Le champ d’application de la C.M.R. [The scope of application of the CMR], Bulletin des Transports, (1986), 737. |
CHAO, A. |
CHAO, A., Chargement défectueux et imputation des responsabilités dans les transports routiers: le vent tourne-t-il? [Faulty loading and apportionment of liability in road transport: is the tide turning?], Bulletin des Transports, (1983), 422. |
CHAUVEAU, P., La faute inexcusable [Inexcusable fault], Annales de droit aérien et spatial – IV – 1979, 3 |
CHUA, J. |
CHUA, J., Apparent conflict of jurisdiction between the CMR and the Brussels regime on civil and commercial jurisdiction : Case commentary on Nurnberger Allgemeine Versicherungs AG v Portbridge Transport International BV (C148/03 : EU:C:2004:677 ; [2006] 1 All E.R. (Comm) 896; [2004] 10 WLUK 758 (ECJ 3rd Chamber), (2005) 11(1) Journal of International Maritime Law 67. |
CHUA, J. |
CHUA, J., One Belt One Road’, Sub-Regional Transport Agreements and the CMR – a case of mutual dependency/’ , European Journal of Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL) 2017-1/2, p. 1-7. |
CLARINGBOULD, M.H., Bewuste roekeloosheid en kansrekening[Conscious recklessness and probability theory], Claringbould et al. (eds.), Verbindend Recht, Liber Amicorum K.F. Haak, Deventer, Kluwer, 2012, p. 145-164. |
CLARINGBOULD, M.H., De aansprakelijkheid van de Expediteur [The liability of the freight forwarder], Nederlands Tijdschrift voor HandelsRecht (NTHR), 2008-2, p. 55-67 |
CLARINGBOULD, M.H., Een zorgvuldig vervoerder: hij die alle maatregelen neemt[A diligent carrier: he who takes all measures], A.G. Castermans et al. (eds.), De maatman in het burgerlijk recht, Deventer: Kluwer, 2008, p. 265-281. |
CLARINGBOULD, M.H., Artikel 5 Rome I en vervoerovereenkomsten [Article 5 Rome I and contracts of carriage], Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR), 2009, p. 426-436. |
CLARINGBOULD, M.H., The Digital Waybill and the Digital Pen – A Success Story from the Netherlands, Revue du Droit Uniforme, 2006, 667-672. |