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    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A., National judges facing gaps in the CMR : British case-law , RDU 2006, 633

    CLARKE, M. A.

    CLARKE, M. A., El impacto del seguro en el derecho aplicable al transporte de mercancías, el en Reino Unido, [The impact of insurance on the law applicable to the carriage of goods in the UK.], in: Actualidad jurídica del transporte por carretera: in memoriam F.M. Sánchez Gamborino.Nederlands Tijdschrift voor HandelsRecht (NTHR) 2006-2, p. 32-39, Madrid: Fundación Francisco Corell, 2005, pp. 607-618.

    CLARKE, M. A.

    CLARKE, M. A., Charges recoverable under CMR: Scotch Mist in the Court of Appeal” – case commentary on James Buchanan & Co Ltd v Babco Forwarding & Shipping (UK) Ltd [1978] A.C. 141; [1977] 11 WLUK 64 (HL), Sandeman Coprimar SA v Transitos y Transportes Integrales SL [2003] EWCA Civ 113; [2003] Q.B. 1270; [2003] 2 WLUK 326 (CA (Civ Div))., [2004] Journal of Business Law 378.

    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A., The line in law between land and sea” Case commentary on Quantum Corp Inc v Plane Trucking Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 350; [2002] 1 W.L.R. 2678 (CA (Civ Div)), [2003] Journal of Business Law 522.

    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A., International Carriage of Goods by Road: CMR, 4th ed. , London [et al.], LLP, 2003, pp. XLVIII-463

    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A., Harmonization of the regulation of carriage of goods in Europe , Transportrecht, 25 (2002), 428-434

    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A., A Multimodal Muddle” Case commentary on Quantum Corp Inc v Plane Trucking Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 350; [2002] 1 W.L.R. 2678; [2002] 3 WLUK 810 (CA (Civ Div)), [2002] 3(2) Shipping and Transport Lawyer International 6


    CLARINGBOULD, M.H. – VAN HAERSOLTE, N., Das niederländische Gesetz über den Vertrag sur Beförderung auf der Strasse: eine Übersicht [The Dutch law on the contract for carriage by road: an overview], Transportrecht, 11 (1988), 403

    CHAO, A.

    CHAO, A., Chargement par l’expéditeur et imputation des responsabilités en régime C.M.R. [Loading by the shipper and allocation of responsibilities under the C.M.R. system], Bulletin des Transports, (1986), 509.

    CHAO, A.

    CHAO, A., Carriage at Controlled Temperatures (Art. 18.4), in: IRU (ed), International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), London, 1987, 113