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    Collectif, Les 50 ans de la CMR “avenir et perspectives” [50 years of CMR ‘future and perspectives’], RDU 2006 – 3

    COLAS, M.

    COLAS, M., La faute lourde et ses conséquences dans le transport routier de masses indivisibles [Gross negligence and its consequences in the road transport of indivisible masses], Gazette du Palais, 99 (1979), Doctrine, 343


    CLAVERO TERNERO, M.F., La responsabilidad del transportista internacional por carretera, in: Libro Homenaje en memoria de Joaquín Lanzas y de Luis Selva, I [La responsabilidad del transportista internacional por carretera], Madrid 1998


    CLAVERO TERNERO, M.F., El transporte internacional de mercancías por carretera: la interpretación del Convenio CMR por el Tribunal Supremo [International carriage of goods by road: the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the CMR Convention], Derecho uniforme del transporte internacional, 251-272. Madrid, McGraw Hill, 1998.

    CLARKE, M. A.

    CLARKE, M. A., International Carriage of Goods by Road: CMR, London, 1982, XXVI – 207

    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A., The transport of goods in Europe: patterns and problems of uniform law, Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (1999), 36-70.

    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A., International Carriage of Goods by Road: C.M.R. 2nd edition, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 1991, 601

    COOLEN, A,

    COOLEN, A., La livraison contre remboursement [Collecting cash on delivery], Liber Amicorum Jacques Putzeys – Etudes de droit des transports, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1996,p. 229-243.


    CORNETTE, M., CMR – Uninsured liabilities and risks [Belgisch-Nederlands CMR-Seminar, 26 mei 2000] , European Transport Law, 35 (2000-3), 363-370


    CRAUCIUC, O.A.G. – MANOLACHE, O., Contractul de transport rutier international de marfuri în lumina conventiei de la Geneva 1956 (CMR) si a practicii judecatoresti si arbitrale [The contract for the international carriage of goods by road in the light of the Geneva Convention of 1956 (CMR) and of judicial and arbitral practice], Dreptul, 1 Seria a III-a, (1990), Nr. 7, 22; Nr. 9-12, 56.