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Authors | Year | Citation |
AMBROZUK, D., Charges refunded by the carrier responsible for damage to the consignment, European Journal of Service Management 2018, z. 4 |
AMBROZUK, D., Charakter prawny aktów staranności odbiorcy w krajowym i międzynarodowym przewozie towarów [Legal nature of the consignee’s acts of diligence in domestic and international transport], Problemy Transportu i Logistyki, 2016, nr 4 |
AMBROZUK, D., Zagadnienie tożsamości roszczeń w sprawach transportowych: (uwagi na tle wyroku TSUE z 19 grudnia 2013) [The question of identity of causes of action in transport law (notes on the background of the judgment of the ECJ of 19.12.2013)], Problemy Transportu i Logistyki, 2015, nr 30 |
ALPA, G. |
ALPA, G., La responsabilità del vettore nel trasporto di cose su strada: problemi attuali e profili di una riforma [Carrier liability in road haulage: current problems and outlines of a reform], Giurisprudenza Italiana, 133 (1981), I, c. 1737. |
ALLARY, P., De verhaalbaarheid van fiscale heffingen (en boeten) op de wegvervoerder na het cassatiearrest van 30 mei 2002; de ‘Buchanan-doctrine’ bevestigd? [The recoverability of tax levies (and fines) from road hauliers following the cassation judgment of 30 May 2002; the ‘Buchanan doctrine’ confirmed?], Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht (TVR) (2004), pp. 235-242 |
ALESSANDRI, M., A general overview on the Italian case law regarding the application of the Convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR) , Transportrecht, 28 (2005), pp. 465-468. |
ADAMUS, R., Konwencja CMR w orzecznictwie sądów polskich [CMR Convention in the jurisprudence of Polish courts], Glosa 2010, nr 2, p. 16-28 |
ADAMUS, R., Arbitration clause for an arbitral tribunal in Poland based on Art. 33 CMR Convention, Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne, 2019, nr 4, p. 9-21 |