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Authors | Year | Citation |
AMBROZUK, D., WESOLOWSKI, K., Stan techniczny środka transportowego jako przyczyna szkody transportowej [Technical condition of means of transport as the cause of transport damage], Problemy Transportu i Logistyki, 2017, nr 3 |
AUCHTER, G., Quelques remarques sur l’uniformisation internationale du droit des transports [Some remarks about the international uniformity of transport law], Serck, M.-P. (ed.), Liber Amicorum Robert Wijffels, Antwerpen, 2001, pp. 1-25 |
ARNADE, R.B., Der Frachtführerbegriff der CMR als Problem der internationalen Zuständigkeit [The carrier concept of the CMR as a problem of international jurisdiction], Transportrecht, 15 (1992), 341. |
ANTAPASIS, M., CMR: Have we reached the end of the road? , European Journal of Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL) (2017) 1-2, pp. 49-55 |
Anon. |
Anon., International Carriage of Goods , London, Lloyd’s of London Press , 1976. |
Anon. |
Anon., El transporte terrestre nacional e internacional [National and international land transport], Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial, IX, Ministerio de Justicia, Madrid 1997 |
Anon. |
Anon., Seminar 2001. Rechtsgrundlagen des Fracht-, Speditions- und Transportversicherungsgeschäftes – Risiken und Haftung aus dem Vertrag über grenzüberschreitenden Straßengütertransport. Wien, 26. – 29. November 2001. [Seminar 2001: Legal bases of the freight, forwarding and transport insurance business – risks and liability arising from the contract for cross-border road haulage. Vienna, 26 – 29 November 2001.], |
ANGEL YAGÜEZ, R. DE, Interrupción y suspensión de la prescripción. Convenio de Ginebra sobre transportes por carretera [Interruption and suspension of the statute of limitations. Geneva Convention on road transport], La Ley (1987-4) 213 |
ANFRAY, A.-I., Pluralité de transporteurs en régime CMR: Etude comparative sur un problème de qualité à défendre [Multiple carriers under CMR: A comparative study of a quality issue to be defended], Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 7 (2003), 733-759. |
ACHARD, R., Transport en pontée, “Paramount Clause” et article 2 parag. 1 de la CMR- Obs. sous Cass. com. 16 février 1988 Aima ODEN [Carriage on deck, ‘Paramount Clause’ and Article 2 para. 1 of the CMR- Obs. about Cass. com. France 16 Deb. 1988], Droit maritime français, 41 (1989), 219 |