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Year: 2020

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  • AuthorsYearCitation


    GARNOWSKI, K., Wykonanie umowy przewozu rzeczy w transporcie drogowym, kolejowym i lotniczym, [Performance of contract of carriage of goods in road, rail and air transport], Warszawa 2020


    FILLERS, A., The CMR in the practice of Latvian courts, Uniform Law Review, Volume 25, Issue 1, March 2020, pp. 168–201

    DABROWSKI, D. (and K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk, K. Garnowski)

    DABROWSKI, D. (and K. Wesołowski, D. Ambrożuk, K. Garnowski), Umowa przewozu osób i rzeczy w prawie polskim: stan obecny i kierunki zmian [The contract for carriage of passengers and goods in Polish law: current state and directions of change], Warszawa, 2020

    BOONK, W.

    BOONK, W., Jurisdiction in road transport cases – Concurrence of CMR and Brussels I (recast): unsettled issues , European Transport Law (ETL), 2020, p. 60-66.