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Year: 2016

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation

    HAAK, K.F.

    HAAK, K.F., Comment Veldhuizen/Beurskens – Hoge Raad 15 September 2015 [Comment ON Veldhuizen v. Beurskens – Supreme Court September 15, 2015], Nederlandse Jurisprudentie (NJ) 2016/219

    HA NGOC, J.

    HA NGOC, J., La Convention CMR et les Règles de Rotterdam [The CMR Convention and the Rotterdam Rules], Revue de Droit Uniforme 2016, p. 469-486


    DEFOSSEZ, D., CMR: What if the courts got it wrong?, Uniform Law Review, 2016, p. 75-100


    DABROWSKI, D., The multimodal carrier’s liability for non-localized loss, Problemy Transportu i Logistyki, 2016, nr 4


    CZERWENKA B., The concept of ‘unavoidable circumstances’ in Article 17, para 2, of the CMR in light of German jurisprudence, Uniform Law Review, Volume 21, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 533–541, ,

    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A., Case commentary Datec Electronic Holdings Ltd v United Parcels Service Ltd [2007] UKHL 23; [2007] 1 W.L.R. 1325 (HL) and British American Tobacco Switzerland SA v Exel Europe Ltd [2015] UKSC 65; [2016] A.C. 262 (SC), [2016] 8 Journal of Business Law 707

    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A., Wilful misconduct under English law, Uniform Law Review 2016, p. 574-576


    BON-GARCIN, I., Distinction entre transporteurs successifs, sous-traitant et commissionnaire de transport en droit français [Distinction between successive carriers, subcontractors and freight forwarders under French law], Uniform Law Review, Volume 21, Issue 4, December 2016, Pages 510–521,


    AMBROZUK, D., Charakter prawny aktów staranności odbiorcy w krajowym i międzynarodowym przewozie towarów [Legal nature of the consignee’s acts of diligence in domestic and international transport], Problemy Transportu i Logistyki, 2016, nr 4