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Year: 2011

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    WESELOWSKI K., The unclear relations between CMR and European Union law in respect of jurisdiction and enforcement of foreign judgments , European Transport Law 2011, nr 2, s. 133–142.


    VERHEYEN, W., Vergoedbare schade in het vervoerrecht [Compensable losses in transport law], Bernauw, K. et al. (eds.), Free on Board, Liber Amicorum Marc A. Huybregts, Antwerpen, Camebridge, Intersentia, 2011, p. 737-760.


    VERGUTS, P. (and M. CORNETTE), CMR en “overige kosten”: naar een oplossing? [CMR and ‘other charges’: towards a solution?], European Transport Law, 2011, pp. 61-66

    PUETZ, A.

    PUETZ, A., Transporte internacional de mercancías por carretera y sumisión a arbitraje: problemas en la aplicación del artículo 33 CMR [International carriage of goods by road and submission to arbitration: problems of application of Article 33 CMR] , Revista de Arbitraje Comercial y de Inversiones, vol. IV-3, 2011, pp. 869-884  

    PAULIN, Ch.

    PAULIN, Ch., Considérations sur la faute inexcusable [Considerations on inexcusable fault], Revue de droit des transports n° 4, Avril 2011, repère 4


    LAURIJSSEN P, Diefstal in Italië onder artikel 17 lid 2 CMR – Versrakking in de rechtspraak[Confiscation in Italy under Article 17(2) CMR – Repossession in the legal system] , European Transport Law 2011, 1998-1, p. 39


    HJALMARSSON, J., Multimodal transport: carrier’s liability – burden of proof.” Case commentary on Exportadora Valle de Colina SA (t/a Exportadora Santa Elena) v AP Moller-Maersk A/S (t/a Maersk Line) [2010] EWHC 3224 (Comm); [2010] 12 WLUK 306 (QBD (Comm))., (2011) Shipping and Trade Law 6.

    HAAK, K.F.

    HAAK, K.F., De kwade kans van bewuste roekeloosheid, Een beweerdelijk ontbreken van subjectieve wetenschap kan de vervoerder die zijn zorgverplichtingen met voeten trad, niet baten. [The wicked chance of conscious recklessness, An alleged lack of subjective knowledge cannot benefit the carrier who has trampled on his duty of care.], Th.M. de Boer et al. (eds.), Strikwerda’s Conclusies, Liber Amicorum Luc Strikwerda, Deventer, Kluwer, 2011, p. 107-119

    GLASS, D.A.

    D.A. Glass, Sour grapes in the reefer trade? – The Exportadora case” – Case commentary on Exportadora Valle de Colina SA (t/a Exportadora Santa Elena) v AP Moller-Maersk A/S (t/a Maersk Line) [2010] EWHC 3224 (Comm); [2010] 12 WLUK 306 (QBD (Comm)). , (2011) 8(4) Shipping and Transport Lawyer International 19

    DAMAR, D.

    DAMAR, D., Wilful Misconduct in International Transport Law, Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs, Vol. 22, Springer-Verlag 2011