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Year: 2010

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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    ULFBECK, V., Options in contracts of carriage – The air/road combination in recent European case law , Transportrecht (TranspR) 1-2010, p. 370-376.


    STAMATIOU, C. , Case comment on TNT Express Nederland BV v AXA Versicherung AG (C-533/08) EU:C:2010:243; [2011] R.T.R. 11; [2010] 5 WLUK 10 (ECJ) , (2010) 21(8) International Company and Commercial Law Review 42.

    SEIN, K. and UUSEN-NACKE, T.

    SEIN, K. and UUSEN-NACKE, T., Contracts of carriage: legislation and case law in Estonia, (2010) 35(4) Review of Central and East European Law 341

    HOEKS, M.A.I.H.

    HOEKS, M.A.I.H., Maritime Plus and the European Status Quo – The current framework of international transport law, ‘maritime plus’ and the EU , in: Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law (SIMPLY) 2010, p. 179-230.

    HAAK, K.F.

    HAAK, K.F., De scope van de CMR: expansief of restrictief? [The scope of the CMR: expansive or restrictive?, Nederlands tijdschrift voor Handelsrecht (NTHR) 2010-2, p. 46-59

    ECKARDT, T. and alii

    ECKARDT, T. and alii, Multimodal Transport Including Cross-border Road Haulage – Will the CMR Apply? , EJCCL, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2010, pp. 153-162. pp. 569

    ADAMUS, R.

    ADAMUS, R., Konwencja CMR w orzecznictwie sądów polskich [CMR Convention in the jurisprudence of Polish courts], Glosa 2010, nr 2, p. 16-28