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Year: 2004

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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    FRESNEDO DE AGUIRRE, C., Carta de porte uniforme interamericana para el transporte internacional de mercaderías por carretera. Dificultades y logros en CIDIP-VI[Inter-American uniform transport document for the international carriage of goods by road. Difficulties and achievements in CIDIP-VI] , DeCITA, 2004, 320-324


    FREMUTH, F., Haftungsbegrenzungen und deren Durchbrechung im allgemeinen deutschen Frachtrecht und nach der CMR [Limitation of liability and its breach in general German freight law and under the CMR] Transportrecht, 2004, 99-104


    DELEBECQUE, P., La loi applicable à l’action directe en paiement du transporteur routier de marchandises: lex contractus ou CMR? (note: Cass. Com., 24 mars 2004), La Semaine Juridique. Entreprise et affaires, 2004, 1102-1103

    CLARKE, M. A.

    CLARKE, M. A., Charges recoverable under CMR: Scotch Mist in the Court of Appeal” – case commentary on James Buchanan & Co Ltd v Babco Forwarding & Shipping (UK) Ltd [1978] A.C. 141; [1977] 11 WLUK 64 (HL), Sandeman Coprimar SA v Transitos y Transportes Integrales SL [2003] EWCA Civ 113; [2003] Q.B. 1270; [2003] 2 WLUK 326 (CA (Civ Div))., [2004] Journal of Business Law 378.


    BERLINGIERI, F., Uniform interpretation of international conventions, Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly (2004), 153-157.

    ALLARY, P.

    ALLARY, P., De verhaalbaarheid van fiscale heffingen (en boeten) op de wegvervoerder na het cassatiearrest van 30 mei 2002; de ‘Buchanan-doctrine’ bevestigd? [The recoverability of tax levies (and fines) from road hauliers following the cassation judgment of 30 May 2002; the ‘Buchanan doctrine’ confirmed?], Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht (TVR) (2004), pp. 235-242