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Year: 2004

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation

    ZAPP, M.

    ZAPP, M., Rechtsprobleme im Zusammenhang mit der Verpackung in der CMR und im deutschen Handelsgesetzbuch [Legal issues related to packaging in the CMR and in the German Commercial Code], Transportrecht, 27 (2004), pp. 333-340.


    ULFBECK, V., The Carrier’s Liability for Third Parties for Theft and Robbery Under the Danish Carriage of Goods by Road Act , Walgren, P. (ed.), Scandinavian studies in law, 46, 2004, p. 220-228.


    ULFBECK, V., Fragtførerens hæftelse for tyveri efter CMR-loven [Carrier liability for theft under the CMR Act], Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, 19 (2004), 162-166

    SCHMID, T.

    SCHMID, T., Neues zu Art. 3 CMR [News on Art. 3 CMR], Transportrecht, 27 (2004), pp. 351-353.


    SCHELIN, J., Haftungsbegrenzungen und ihre Durchbrechung nach der CMR in den skandinavischen Staaten und Finnland [Limitation of liability and its breach under the CMR in the Scandinavian countries and Finland], Transportrecht, 2004, 107-111


    RAMBERG, J., The Future Law of Transport Operators and Service Providers, Walgren, P. (ed.), Scandinavian studies in law, 46, 2004, p. 135–152.


    PANOPOULOS, G., La jurisprudence grecque en matière de Conventions internationales relatives aux transports terrestres et aériens [Greek case law on international conventions on land and air transport], Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 9 (2004), pp. 625-643

    OTTE, K.

    OTTE, K., Zur Einrede der Rechtshängigkeit bei negativer Feststellungsklage (Art. 31 Abs. 2 CMR, Art. 21 EuGVÜ bzw. Art. 27 EuGVVO) [On the objection of lis pendens in the case of an action for a negative declaration (Art. 31 (2) CMR, Art. 21 Brussels Convention or Art. 27 Brussels I Regulation)], Transportrecht, 27 (2004), pp. 347-351.


    NEUMANN, H., Die autonome Auslegung der CMR (anhand von vier Entscheidungen) [The autonomous interpretation of the CMR (based on four decisions)], Transportrecht (TranspR) 3-2004, p. XXVIII-XXIX.


    NEERVOORT, W.G.B., CMR-lessen van onze oosterburen[CMR lessons from our easterly neighbours],