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Year: 2002

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Gehilfen des CMR-Frachtführers und Art. 31 CMR [Agents of the CMR carrier and Art. 31 CMR], Transportrecht, 25 (2002), 133-136


    JOHANSSON, S.O., The scope and the liability of the CMR – Is there a need of changes? , Transportrecht, 25 (2002), 385-392

    HEUER, K.

    HEUER, K., Zur außervertraglichen Haftung des Frachtführers (und seines Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherers) für Güterfolgeschäden. Anmerkung zu Thume, VersR 2002, 267 ff. [On the non-contractual liability of the carrier (and his motor vehicle liability insurer) for consequential damage to goods. Note on Thume, VersR 2002, 267 et seq.], Transportrecht, 25 (2002), 325-326

    HEUER, K.

    HEUER, K., CMR und EuGVÜ: Nochmals zur Frage der internationalen Zuständigkeit (Art. 31 Abs. 1 CMR/Art. 20 EuGVÜ) und zur Einrede der Rechtshängigkeit bei negativer Feststellungsklage (Art. 31 Abs. 2 CMR/Art. 21 EuGVÜ) [CMR and Brussels Convention: Once again on the question of international jurisdiction (Art. 31, para. 1 CMR/Art. 20 Brussels Convention) and on the objection of lis pendens in the case of an action for a negative declaration (Art. 31, para. 2 CMR/Art. 21 Brussels Convention)], Transportrecht, 25 (2002), 221-225

    HELM, J.G.

    HELM, J.G., Frachtrecht II – CMR [Transport Law II – CMR], 2. Auflage, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 2002, 717 pp.


    FRESNEDO DE AGUIRRE, C., CIDIP-VI: difficulties and achievements regarding an Inter-American uniform through bill of lading for the International Carriage of Goods by Road , Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 7 (2002), 775-790

    FADDA, E.

    FADDA, E., Responsabilità per la caricazione della merce e onere probatorio in base alla CMR. [Note onCorte di Cassazione – Sez. III – 7 agosto 2000, n. 10360 (Autoindustriale S.R.L., Marine Insurance Company L.T.D., Trans Nord di Delaiti Lilio & C.S.N.C.) [Liability for loading the goods and burden of proof under the CMR. [Notes : Court of Cassation – Sec. III – 7 August 2000], Il Diritto Marittimo, 104 (2002), 920-925


    EMPARANZA SOBERANO, A., Cuestiones de legitimación activa y pasiva en el Convenio de Transporte Internacional de Mercancías por Carretera, in: Martínez Sanz, F. (Coord.), Problemas en la aplicación del CMR. Especial referencia a la responsabilidad [Issues of standing to sue and be sued under the International Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Road], Fundación Francisco Corell, Madrid 2002, 29-40

    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A.,’The Measure of Measures – The measures required of international carriers to avoid loos or damage to Goods’, Études offertes à Barthélemy Mercadal, Éditions Francis Lefebvre, Levallois-Perret, 2002, p. 407-414

    CLARKE, M.A.

    CLARKE, M.A., A multimodal mix-up” – Case commentary on Quantum Corp Inc v Plane Trucking Ltd [2001] 1 All E.R. (Comm) 916 (QBD (Comm))., [2002] Journal of Business Law 210.