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Year: 2001

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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    RUITINGA, P. – HAAN, R.J. DE, Gabriële Wehr revisited (The results of indulging in fiction when dealing with statutes, conventions or legal precedents are not always fortunate). Some notes on article 2 CMR, European Transport Law, 36 (2001), 831-842

    RÜFNER, T.

    RÜFNER, T., Lis alibi pendens under the CMR – Merzario v. Leitner , Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, (2001), 460-465

    ROGOV, S.

    ROGOV, S., Zur Frage der CMR – Mitgliedschaft der Russischen Föderation [Regarding the question of the CMR membership of the Russian Federation], European Transport Law, 36 (2001), 731 – 736

    PONET, F.

    PONET, F., Artikel 31.1 litt. b CMR: Grenzen aan het bevoegdheidsonderzoek door de nationale rechter? [Article 31.1 litt. b CMR: Limits to the national court’s jurisdiction review?], SERCK, M.-P. (Ed.), Liber Amicorum Robert Wijffels, Antwerpen, 2001, pp.278-280


    LAURIJSSEN, P., Water en Weg – Botsing van wetten Stapelvervoer onder artikel 2 CMREuropean Transport Law (ETL) 2001, p. 799-826. ,


    LAURIJSSEN, P., Kombinierter Transport Roll-on -Roll-off [Combined Transport Roll-on Roll-off], European Transport Law (ETL) 2001, p. 791-797.

    KOLLER, I.

    KOLLER, I., Die Auswirkungen der Reform des deutschen Schuldrechts auf das Transportrecht [The impact of the reform of the German law of obligations on transport law], Transportrecht, 24 (2001), 425-432


    KLINKHAMER, E.C.G., Opzet, roekeloosheid in het Nederlandse wegvervoer [Intent, recklessness in Dutch road transport], Serck, M.-P. (ed.), Liber Amicorum Robert Wijffels, Antwerpen, 2001, p. 143-146.

    HAAK, K.F.

    HAAK, K.F., CMR-Übereinkommen: Vertrag zu Lasten Dritter?, in: SCHACHTSCHNEIDER, K.A. – PIPER, H. – HÜBSCH, M. (Hrsg.) – Transport – Wirtschaft – Recht. Gedächtnisschrift für Johann Georg Helm(Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht, 133) [CMR Convention: Contract at Third Party’s Expense?], in: SCHACHTSCHNEIDER, K.A. – PIPER, H. – HÜBSCH, M. (Eds.) – Transport law], Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2001, 91-98


    GÓRRIS LÓPEZ, C., La responsabilidad en el contrato de transporte de mercancías (Carretera, ferrocarril, marítimo, aéreo y multimodal). Prólogo de Ignacio Arroyo [Liability in the contract of carriage of goods (road, rail, sea, air and multimodal)], Bolonia, Publicaciones del Real Colegio de España, 2001