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Year: 2000

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    CORNETTE, M., CMR – Uninsured liabilities and risks [Belgisch-Nederlands CMR-Seminar, 26 mei 2000] , European Transport Law, 35 (2000-3), 363-370

    BUSTI, S.

    BUSTI, S., Il trasporto cumulativo nella C.M.R. (nota a Corte di cass. sez. III civ., 19 dicembre 1978, n. 6102) , Trasporti, 21/1980, 130

    BUYL, P.

    BUYL, P., Artikel 23 § 4 van het CMR-Verdrag getoetst aan de Algemene CMR-Verzekeringsvoorwaarden of de verbazing van de struisvogel [Belgisch-Nederlands CMR-Seminar, 26 mei 2000][Article 23 § 4 of the CMR Convention tested against the General CMR Insurance Conditions or the amazement of the ostrich [Belgian-Dutch CMR Seminar, 26 May 2000]. , European Transport Law, 35 (2000-3), 343-349


    BLASCHE, G., Die Verjährung, die Kompensation und der böse CMR-Frachter[Statute of limitations, compensation and the nasty CMR carrier] , Verkehr, 1973, 683

    BOGGIO, L.

    BOGGIO, L., La C.M.R. è imperativa, ma il vettore stradale internazionale non risponde[The C.M.R. is mandatory, but the international road carrier is not liable] , Diritto Marittimo, 101 (1999), 833-856