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Year: 1998

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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    KRINGS E., L’opportunité de juridictions supranationales pour l’interprétation des lois uniformes [The appropriateness of supranational courts interpreting uniform laws], RDU 1998, p. 525.

    HERBER, R.

    HERBER, R., CMR: Unidroit should not let this child go!, in: Uniform Law Studies in memory of Malcolm Evans , Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 1998-2/3, 475-481

    DE MEIJ, P.

    MEIJ, P. DE, Interpretatie van verdragen van unifomr (vervoer)recht [Legal harmonisation in transport law: force majeure for legislators?], European Transport Law, (1998), 607

    DE MEIJ, P.

    DE MEIJ, P., Litispendentie in CMR-zaken, Bespreking van Hof Amsterdam 22 februari 1996, NJ 1998, 139; S&S 1998, 8 [Lis pendens in CMR cases, a review of CA Amsterdam 22 February 1996, NJ 1998/139; S&S 1998/8, Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht (TVR) 1998, p. 81-82.

    DE MEIJ, P.

    DE MEIJ, P., Interpretation of treaties of uniform (transport) law, European Transport Law, 1998, p. 607-647.


    DELEBECQUE, P., Droit applicable à un contrat de transport interne (Cass. Com. 1er juill. 1997, note) [Law applicable to a domestic transport contract (comm. on Cass. Com. 1 July 1997)], La Semaine juridique, (1998), II, 10 076


    DELEBECQUE, P., Le transport multimodal  [Multimodal transport ], RIDC 1998, N°2, pp. 527-537


    CZAPSKI, W., Interprétation de la convention CMR à la lumière du droit international public [Interpretation of the CMR Convention in the light of public international law], European Transport Law, 33 (1998), 461-497.


    CLAVERO TERNERO, M.F., La responsabilidad del transportista internacional por carretera, in: Libro Homenaje en memoria de Joaquín Lanzas y de Luis Selva, I [La responsabilidad del transportista internacional por carretera], Madrid 1998


    CLAVERO TERNERO, M.F., El transporte internacional de mercancías por carretera: la interpretación del Convenio CMR por el Tribunal Supremo [International carriage of goods by road: the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the CMR Convention], Derecho uniforme del transporte internacional, 251-272. Madrid, McGraw Hill, 1998.