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Year: 1996

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    COOLEN, A,

    COOLEN, A,, La livraison contre remboursement [Collecting cash on delivery], Liber Amicorum Jacques Putzeys – Etudes de droit des transports, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1996,p. 229-243.


    CREON, Die Haftung des CMR-Frachtführers beim Roll-on/Roll-off-Verkehr[The CMR carrier’s liability in roll-on/roll-off traffic] , thesis, 1996 (¿1995?)


    CZAPSKI, W., Rapports contractuels par voie informatique dans le cadre du contrat de transport par route soumis à la Convention CMR, in: Liber Amicorum Jacques Putzeys[Contractual relations by computer within the framework of the contract of carriage by road subject to the CMR Convention] , Bruylant, Bruxelles, (1996), 151-192

    CLARKE, M.

    CLARKE, M., Transport by rail and road. (International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol. III, Private International Law, Chapter 25) , Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1996, 17.