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Year: 1993

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation


    WIDMANN, H., Übereinkommen über den Beförderungsvertrag im internationalen Straßenguterverkehr (CMR) [Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)], Neuwied, Luchterhand, 1993, 262

    TUMA, O.J.

    TUMA, O.J., Art. 29 CMR – Bestandaufnahme und Ausblick [Art. 29 CMR – inventory and outlook], Europeran Transport Law, 1993, 649


    VEIGA DE FARIA, M., Des conflits de juridictions en matière de contrats de transport international de marchandises par route [en anglais et français] [Conflicts of jurisdiction concerning contracts for the international carriage of goods by road [in English and French]], Revue de droit des affaires internationales, (1993), 1072.

    THUME, K.-H.

    THUME, K.-H., Art. 27 CMR und Entschädigungsverzug des Frachtführers [Art. 27 CMR and the carrier’s delay in indemnifying], Transportrecht, 16 (1993), 365


    SILINGARDI, G., I trasporti superposés e la volontà delle parti nella disciplina inderogabile della C.M.R. [The ‘superposés’ transports and the will of the parties in the mandatory rules of the C.M.R., in: Studies in honour of Antonio Lefebvre d’Ovidio on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Law of Navigation.], Diritto dei Trasporti, (1993), 673.


    REGNARSEN, K., CMR-loven. Lov om Fragtaftaler ved International Vejtransport. 2. udgave. [The CMR Act. Act on Freight Contracts for International Road Transport. 2nd edition.], DJOF, 1993, 440

    REMERY, J.-P.

    REMERY, J.-P., Application impérative de la Convention CMR de Genève à un transport international de marchandises (note sous Cass. com., 25 mai 1993) [Imperative application of the Geneva CMR Convention to an international carriage of goods (note under Cass. com., May 25, 1993)] , Revue critique de droit international privé, (1993), 461.


    REMOND-GOUILLOUD, M., Le contrat de transport [The carriage contract], Dalloz, Paris, 1993, 64


    PIERONI, F. – OPICELLI, A.M., Note sulla responsabilità del vettore terrestre con particolare riferimento all’evento rapina [Notes on the liability of the land carrier with particular reference to the event of robbery], Diritto Marittimo, 95 (1993), 698.


    IDIT, Guide juridique et pratique du contrat de transport routier de marchandises intérieur et CMR [Legal and practical guide to domestic and CMR road haulage contracts], Rouen, Institut du droit international des transports, 1993, 350