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Year: 1981

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    CAPEK, J.

    CAPEK, J., Odpovednost dopravce v mezinárodní silnicní preprave[Liability of the carrier in international road transport] , Právník, 120 (1981), 550

    BRUNAT, P.

    BRUNAT, P., Responsabilité du transporteur pour le nombre de colis[Carrier’s liability for number of packages] , B.T., 1974, pp. 182 et 183.

    BRUNAT, P.

    BRUNAT, P., Le régime juridique des transports internationaux route/mer[The legal system for international road/sea transport] , Bulletin des transports, 1976, p. 227

    BRUNAT, L.

    BRUNAT, L., Chargement et déchargement des véhicules routiers[Loading and unloading road vehicles] , Bulletin des Transports, (1981), 298

    ALPA, G.

    ALPA, G., La responsabilità del vettore nel trasporto di cose su strada: problemi attuali e profili di una riforma [Carrier liability in road haulage: current problems and outlines of a reform], Giurisprudenza Italiana, 133 (1981), I, c. 1737.