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Year: 1979

Authors: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • AuthorsYearCitation

    DONATI, M.

    DONATI, M., Bilancio della politica tariffaria della CEE nel settore deIl’autotrasporto di cose [Assessment of the EEC’s tariff policy in the road haulage sector], Trasporti, 19/1979, 47


    DORRESTEIN, Th.H.J., Rechtsvinding in het internationale wegvervoerrecht [The legal regime for container transport: current state of play], Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB) 1979, p. 181-184.


    DUCKWORTH, J., Kitchin’s Road Transport Law. 20th edition., London, 1979, 283

    DAVIES, G. M.

    DAVIES, G. M., Surface Transportation Regulation – A Succinct Analysis, I.C.C. Practitioners’ Journal, 47 (1979), 55

    COLAS, M.

    COLAS, M., La faute lourde et ses conséquences dans le transport routier de masses indivisibles [Gross negligence and its consequences in the road transport of indivisible masses], Gazette du Palais, 99 (1979), Doctrine, 343


    CHAUVEAU, P., La faute inexcusable [Inexcusable fault], Annales de droit aérien et spatial – IV – 1979, 3