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    SZOSTAK, K., Klauzula arbitrażowa w świetle Konwencji o umowie międzynarodowego przewozu drogowego towarów (CMR) – wybrane zagadnienia [Arbitration clause in the light of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) – selected issues], e-Przegląd arbitrażowy 2013, nr 3-4

    SMEELE, F.G.M.

    SMEELE, F.G.M., Dutch case law on Art. 29 CMR [Belgisch-Nederlands CMR-Seminar, 26 mei 2000], European Transport Law, 35 (2000-3), 329-341

    SMEELE, F.G.M.

    SMEELE, F.G.M., International carriage, in : M. Koppenol-Laforce et al. (eds.), International contracts, Sweet & Maxwell, 1996, pp. 213-237.

    SOFFIN, D.

    SOFFIN, D., Integrating international air and road carriage: operational and liability issues , Chapter 4 in: Soyer, B. & Tettenborn, A., Carriage of goods by sea, land and air; unimodal and multimodal transport in the 21st Century, Informa from Routledge, 2014, p. 65-76


    SPANJAART, M., Multimodal Transport Law, London, Routledge, 2018, 208 pp.


    SPANJAART, M., The successive carrier: a relic from the past, Uniform Law Review 2016, p. 522-532.


    SPANJAART, M., Godafoss, the applicability of the CMR within multimodal contracts of carriage , Transportrecht (TranspR) 7-2012, p. 278-282


    STAMATIOU, C. , Case comment on TNT Express Nederland BV v AXA Versicherung AG (C-533/08) EU:C:2010:243; [2011] R.T.R. 11; [2010] 5 WLUK 10 (ECJ) , (2010) 21(8) International Company and Commercial Law Review 42.

    STENOV, K.

    STENOV, K., Foraeldelse af fragtkrav efter CMR-lovens § 41? : § 41(1) – (2) = Art. 32(1) pt. 1 – 3 CMR § 41(3) – (5) = Art. 32(2) – (5) CMR] [The Danes have adopted a law with a numbering that does not follow the numbering in the Convention. Thus: § 41(1) – (2) = Art. 32(1) pt. 1 – 3 CMR § 41(3) – (5) = Art. 32(2) – (5) CMR]., Ugeskrift for Retsvaesen, (1984), 269

    STENOV, K.

    STENOV, K., Lastbil-fragtførerens ansvar for efterkrav [The lorry driver’s responsibility for cash on delivery], Ugeskrift for Retsvaesen, (1984), No. 48, 407