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    NEERVOORT, W.G.B., CMR-lessen van onze oosterburen[CMR lessons from our easterly neighbours],


    NEUMANN, H., Die autonome Auslegung der CMR (anhand von vier Entscheidungen) [The autonomous interpretation of the CMR (based on four decisions)], Transportrecht (TranspR) 3-2004, p. XXVIII-XXIX.


    NICKEL-LANZ, M.-C., La convention relative au contrat de transport international de marchandises par route (CMR), Hambourg, Offsetdruck Heym & Schierharn, 1976


    NIELSEN, H.K., Udvidelse af fragtførers begrænsningsfelt efter CMR-lovens § 36, Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, 129 (1995) Afdeling B, 373

    NIKAKI, T.

    NIKAKI, T., The Quest for an international multimodal transport convention: does the CMR liability system fit the bill? , Chapter 11 in: Soyer, B. & Tettenborn, A., Carriage of goods by sea, land and air; unimodal and multimodal transport in the 21st Century, Informa from Routledge, 2014, p. 191-216.

    NIKAKI, T.

    NIKAKI, T., Bringing Multimodal Transport Law into the new century: is the uniform liability system the way forward?, Journal of Air Law and Commerce (2013) Volume: 78, Issue: 1, Pages: 69 -119


    NOSSOWITSCH, S., L’emballage de la marchandise dans les transports routiers. Sa vérification par le transporteur et les suites d’une prise en charge sans réserves, Bulletin des Transports, (1982), 463.