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  • AuthorsYearCitation

    LOYENS, J.

    LOYENS, J., Zijn douanerechten, accijnzen, enz. kosten ten laste van de CMR-vervoerder krachtens art. 23.4 CMR? [Are customs duties, excise duties, etc. costs borne by the CMR carrier under art. 23.4 CMR?], European Transport Law 2000, p. 351-361.

    LOEWE, R.

    LOEWE, R., Beförderungsrecht im internationalen Strassenverkehr [Transport law in international Road Traffic], GOF-Verkehrsskriptenreihe Nr. 4 GOF-Verlag Wien, 1965, p. 1-20.

    LOEWE, R.

    LOEWE, R., Commentary on the Convention of 19 May 1956 on the Contrat for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) , ECE/TRANS/14, Geneva 1975

    LOEWE, R.

    LOEWE, R., Commentary on the Convention of 19 May 1956 on the Contrat for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) [In English, French and German] , European Transport Law, 11 (1976), 311.

    LOEWE, R.

    LOEWE, R., Note explicative sur la convention au contrat de transport international de marchandises par itinéraire (CMR) du 19 mai 1956 [Explanatory note on the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) of 19 May 1956], European Transport Law, 1976, 479 (in English, French, and German)


    LESPAGNON, F., Une expérimentation réussie : le modèle de lettre de voiture électronique de l’OCIR (France) [A succesful experiment : the model of the electronic consignment note of the OCIR (France)], Revue de Droit Uniforme 2006, p. 673-676


    LEMIUS-DAUB, A., Quo vadis CMR? , Bulletin des transports et de la logistique, (1994), 431


    LETACQ F., Notion de « circonstances inévitables” de l’article 17(2) de la CMR au sens de la jurisprudence française [Notion of ‘unavoidable circumstances’ in Article 17(2) of the CMR within the meaning of French case law], Uniform Law Review, Vol. 21, 2016/4, p.542.


    LETACQ F., MERCADAL B., Application conventionnelle de la Convention de Genève (CMR) à un transport interne de marchandises par route – Note sous Cass. Com. 1er juill. 1997 [Conventional application of the Geneva Convention (CMR) to the internal carriage of goods by road – Note under Cass. Com. 1st July 1997], Recueil Dalloz, (1998), Jurisprudence, 143

    LETACQ F. (and LEGROS C.)

    LETACQ F. (and LEGROS C.), Interpretation of the CMR by the judges. Country report: France , | 2020